Saturday, March 16th 230-430pm
The Breathe Building
Equity Pricing Available
Engagement in transformational & social change work can often be lonely or lead to burnout. Witnessing and resisting injustice takes a toll on our individual and collective nervous systems and ecosystems. And, our presence and steadfastness is critically needed right now.
We can foster sustainable endurance by practicing attention & connection to our bodies and to the natural world around us. Spring is the ideal time for this renewal and recommitment.
In this workshop, we’ll practice accessible skills and remember immediate resources for building strength, stamina, and spirit. There will be movement, skill-building exercises, meditation, and rest practices. This workshop is for all ages, all bodies, and anyone who wants to engage in actions (big and small) for a more just world.
All proceeds will go to Palestinian Youth Movement and Jewish Voice For Peace.
Equity pricing available. No one turned away for lack of funds.
POSTURE, PLEASURE & POWER: A workshop to relax your neck & shoulders and connect to your true center
Sat, DEC 18, 2021 2-5PM
Past events
The systems and routines of the modern world have many of us stuck in our heads, figuratively and literally. Sitting at desks, driving, staring at screens, and coping with the challenges & inequities of day-to-day life can lead to overwhelm. Physical and emotional overwhelm can wreak havoc on our postural muscles. Specifically, the accumulated tension of the neck and shoulders minimizes our breath capacity, dulls sensory perception & organ function in the rest of the body, and thereby dampens our ability to feel pleasure, as well as our ability to healthily regulate the nervous system.
Those habits in turn, deflate our intuitive, full-body, intelligence and connections.
Through a trauma-informed lens, using a combination of functional alignment, mobility practices, core strengthening and deep breathing, you will learn how to better support your posture and find your center. Angelina will help you understand how to unravel emotional and physical tight spots so that you can come alive in your whole body + spirit, liberating you to feel more ease and joy.
All are welcome. Class will be a gentle pace. The room will be gently heated to between 75-80 degrees.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
$25 for BIPOC
Gravity and Grace Mentorship 2021
A vision for educating, truth-speaking & accountability in healing work
This is an invitation to go deeper. This intensive mentorship program will change how you teach, present or hold space for others; and as you do the work, it will change your life. It is designed to expand your edges.
Oppression, racism, inequities, and white-bodied supremacy have been normed. They are, unfortunately, the default---the foundation of the systems and culture that we live in, and that live within each of us. In wellness and spiritual spaces, if we are to fully embody our beliefs, our commitment as facilitators, teachers and healers must be to face and disrupt this reality with a fierce love for ourselves and each other.
This training is for those who are called to do just that. Together we will practice accountability, we will engage in mindful discourse concerning white-bodied supremacy and cultural appropriation and their effects on group and 1:1 dynamics. We will examine and acknowledge the ways in which we all contribute to suffering and separation, we will seek the path of humble action in repair, and improve our skills for offering healing practices that are trauma-informed.
If you are seeking teachings rooted in the principles of social and restorative justice, if you are collective and liberation-focused, if you want to be an effective catalyst for personal, cultural and systemic change within your work, community or family, then this program is for you.
These offerings will center truth, healing and repair. They are suitable for all types of movement teachers, facilitators, and wellness practitioners or professionals
30 hours of training/content
2 monthly intensives, 3 hours each
2 in-person sessions with Angelina, half hour each
Bi-monthly email check-in & discussion prompts
Small groups to facilitate connection & community (10 ppl max/session)
Affinity breakout groups along lines of difference (ie. race, gender, etc), when appropriate
Assigned accountability partner
Private Facebook group for attendees
Ceremony with Gregory Jamiel in Carnation, WA
Additional guest teachers (when available)
Certificate upon completion (must attend ALL sessions)
$150 discount on 10 pack of future private sessions with Angelina
$1800 for complete program
--Scholarships available for Black, Indigenous and people of color
--If you are experiencing financial insecurity, please reach out to discuss options
--If you’re unable to attend the full program, you can do a shorter study by attending the first two months (four intensives) and, if desired, any additional you choose, $180 each intensive.

The annual spring getaway is here...come to one of my favorite places and immerse yourself in yoga, beauty and simplicity. Discounted accommodations are offered from my friends at the Inn of the White Salmon so you can stay directly across the street from the studio. There's time for hiking in the morning and three great workshops to deepen your practice, connecting you to the landscapes around and within you.
We will begin with a ceremony, calling in the spirit and energies of N, W, E & S. Then, a Forrest Yoga workshop dedicated to feeling honestly in the present moment--identifying the things that hold us back, but also recognizing our gifts--and practicing responding in a way that allows our most brilliant and genuine self to come through. Expect lots of twists, hips, shoulders and heart opening. The room will be heated to about 80-85 degrees.
Learn to ride the waves of gravity (and emotions) while standing on your hands. Inversions and arm balances, core strengthening, fear addressing--I will teach you how to embrace and use the beauty and terror of going upside down as teaching tools that build confidence. You will learn how to create space in your joints, tone you core, and ride your breath. You don't have to be strong or flexible to find grace. The room will be heated to 75-80 degrees.
Using functional movement, Pilates and Forrest yoga, you will mobilize your shoulders and ease your neck. Learn proper alignment for sitting, standing and walking to create lasting change in the tension that you carry in your upper body. The room will be heated to 70-75 degrees.

A Pilates & Forrest Yoga Retreat
with Angelina JOON and
Kiki Lovelace
March 31-April 7, 2012
Daily schedule:
7-750am Meditation, self-led (there is also a light breakfast served at this time; fruit, granola, yogurt, juices)
8-10am Forrest Yoga ceremony and practice
1030am Brunch
Free time
330pm Snack
530-7pm Evening practice of functional anatomy, Pilates and props
7pm Dinner
$1550 Triple Occupancy Shared room
$1795 Double Occupancy Shared room
$1900 Single Private (non-view)
$2400 Deluxe Private with view
Kiki and I are best buds. We met in 2001 during our first Pilates teacher training in San Francisco and have been in love ever since. We worked together under the tutelage of Tom McCook in Mountain View, Ca at the renowned Center of Balance and deepened our teaching skills embarking on the Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training together in 2007. We have each completed the Forrest Yoga mentorship program and are certified Pilates and Forrest Yoga teachers. We are seekers, healers and anatomy nerds, and are absolutely tickled to teach together and offer this retreat to you, our beloved students!